Monday, 23 July 2012

Assignment B - WIP 03

I create the water for our game,basically i just import package of the water (Basic) drag the night-times simple water into the hierarchy.

Assignment B - WIP 03

This is my third effect — "Glow"I create particle system, change the setting.
But it does't look like the glow effect that I want and still need to re-adjust.

My Setting.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Assignment B -WIP 02

I'll be doing this fire effect in unity.
Reference image

This is my Second Effect - Create dust effect on his feet when running.
My character does not have toe polygons / joint in unity and i have tried in maya to mesh sparate the polygons. 

But I get an error:

character running |

Character  jumping.
I need to solve the problem but I don't how to do it, do I need to do scripting ???
When the player hit the space bar for jumping the character feet's particle dust disappear.  

So I decide to put the particle under his ankle joint.

My Setting

The Script

as for my third effect i'll be create glows effect when collected a coin the character glows.
Reference Image:

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Assignment B - WIP 02

We need a winning animate for our character.
I'll be using this to create my first effect.

After that i'll be doing fire effect for the outline of the character.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Today we learn how to create dust effect, how to placed materials onto the particles and also for the character to stop running when it is standing still unity.I will apply the effect on my character waking/running.




My Setting 

This is my Material.
Assignment B - WIP 01

still working on the animation when the character collect the coin (winning).
i have been looking and search online help for the glow effect and script but none of the glow effect work.